The Biggest Twig

Another piece of The Wooly Woods is in progress! This one is the biggest yet, found in Chicago's River Park, which is where I run every morning. (Turns out that Chicago really is a windy city, and there are plenty of fallen twigs and branches to be collected!)
With all the mild weather this summer, I've been spending many late afternoons in the backyard, wrapping and wrapping until the whole thing was wrapped.
The twiggins who will live in this piece of the Wooly Woods are underway as well.
And now comes the fun part: playing around with the pieces to find the right positions for the creatures and inventing the trouble that they're getting into, which will include more characters and woodsy elements.
This piece will be on display at Vogue Knitting LIVE in Chicago next month, along with some of the pieces from the original 2013 Wooly Woods show in Berlin.