Hello Chicago

Afte eight wonderful years in NYC, this month my husband and I and the cats and all of Mochimochi Land packed up and moved halfway across the country to Chicago!
The gnomes are excited about the colder weather. And I'm excited about getting to know my new city, with a more relaxed pace and a bit more space. Our move was prompted by my husband John's new job as Senior Editor of The A.V. Club. I'm so proud of him!
We've just finished settling in to our new apartment, which will double as Mochimochi headquarters. It's so cozy and quiet and I'm in love.
My office is no longer in my bedroom...
And I even have a place to put all my knickknacks now!
The cats were initially against all this change, but they've found their usual spots now and they're all tucked in for a long Chicago winter.